One Piece Card Game: 500 Years in the Future [OP-07] Prerelease Event: 23/06/24
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An early chance to get access to the newest set!:

It's time for the Sixth booster themed around the Egghead Arc! Join the Revolution

This event is capped at 16 players initially but may expand and will be taking registration TCG+

Each player will be supplied with 6 packs upon entry to construct a deck to play with, with rounds going into a top cut needed. 

The Winner and Runner up will walk away with amazing Winner cards but everyone who participates will get a pre-release pack filled with some nice upgrades for any crew. 

 On the day! 

- Players will be able to use any Leader card they bring, normal deck building rules do not apply to the construction of the 40 card deck for this event 

- Players must bring 10 DON!! cards to assist in deck building, these are not supplied with the kit

- Player must play at least two rounds to qualify for their Prerelease pack

- Prerelease packs and promo cards MAY NOT be used as a sideboard or during deck construction

- Rounds will be 40 minutes each and  best of 1 with each match win being worth 3 points, draws being 1 and a loss being 0 in accordance with bandai regulations. There will be no top cut for this event.


Event Price: £25.99

Start Time: 1:00 pm 

Event Cap: 16 Players